When I saw this post on Post Secret the other day it hit me hard. I've been feeling lonely, because I feel like my best friend has been taken away from me...granted it was by his choice. Nonetheless, I do feel at times my divorce has taken away everything.
With my EH I could completely be myself. As it turns out though, being myself wasn't good enough for him. It wasn't good enough for someone who had known me for over 20 years. So how will I be good enough for someone I just meet.
To be clear, I like me. I like who I am and I am becoming a person I am proud of, which is a huge accomplishment for me. But I have certain likes, dislikes, and I don't know who will put up with those.
I'm gluten free and vegan. I have to work out at least 6 days a week. I don't have weekends off. I change my hair every other month. I get silly tattoos. I like to shop...a lot. I have 4 dogs that are my life. My family is incredibly important to me. I can be overly critical of my body. I like to have my feet and neck massaged every night. I still believe in Santa Claus and never will stop believing. I'm conservative and will often times voice my opinions. I'm Christian and have a deep faith in God. I'm not going to apologize for any of these things, but I wonder who out there will take me for me and not expect me to be someone or something else. Obviously my EH did, and in the end I failed at who it was he wanted me to be. And that is not my fault.