Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Year In Review...

A year ago today my life changed for what I now see as the better. But it doesn't make the memory of last year any easier. What I do know, I don't need my EH to celebrate Valentine's Day. I have my family and friends to celebrate the wonder that is love.

I read through all my posts from the last year, and I am so proud of how far I've come and all that I have accomplished. In the beginning, I wrote about wanting to crawl up in a ball and just not have to face what I was going through. I didn't do that though. Instead I went on with life and made myself do things I didn't always feel like doing. But that I knew would benefit me when the year ended. Here are just a few of my highlights from this year. 

I moved home.
I invested in therapy.
I've had 6 different hair colors.
I got 3 new tattoos (sorry mom and dad).
I bottled, waxed and labeled my uncle's wine.
I made new friends and kept the old...turns out both are gold.
I traveled to San Diego, Colorado, Canada, and Boston.
I had an artist sing me a song on YouTube.
I received 2 promotions at work.
I went to the opening of Carsland and went to Disneyland many times.
I had the privilege of visiting Walt Disney's Apartment.
I broke up with Adele...and am currently back together with her.
I bought a new car.
I signed Divorce papers TWICE.
I watched a movie in the park.
I went Skydiving.
I went on a couple blind group dates.
I went vegan for 6 months.
I forgave myself.
I forgave my EH.
I took myself to dinners and movies, and enjoyed many dinners and nights with my friends and family.
I consistently blogged.
I ran a half marathon.
I tried new exercises, including the Santa Monica stairs.
I surprised my dad with my mom and niece for his 60th birthday.
I went on hikes.

 And there we have it, the short list of things I did other than crawl into a hole and hide away from life.

As I said, a year ago today my life changed for what I now see as the better. And today was no different.

Every Valentine's Day my dad gives me a piece of jewelry usually with a heart on it...each one means so much to me. And my heart necklace from my dad today has been a constant reminder of the love I have felt from my friends and family. I consider each of you my Valentine this year. Without you, your love, and your support, this year would not have been filled with all the smiles, laughs and joy that it was filled with. Happy Valentine's Day to you all!


  1. I just found this while searching "28 and divorced" as this is what I'm up against as of last night.
    I know I have a lot more tears to shed and a lot more of my heart to break before its over, but this gives me hope. Thank you

    1. I am so sorry for what you are going through right now. It's not easy. And your heart, like mine, will break many times before it begins to truly heal. Even now I have moments...small moments...of sadness. But through it all I smile and focus on my goal of being happy. I encourage you to do the same even if it feels like you don't want to. It's amazing what time can do. In the beginning time is our enemy, but when all is said and done, time becomes our best friend. I am thinking of you through this all and will be sending prayers your way. If anything remember you are not alone. And you are loved.
