Monday, February 11, 2013

Challenge Myself...

One of my favorite things to do on my days off, is to try a new exercise. I love to challenge myself and set new goals, ones that are not easy to accomplish. Thursday of last week, my friend and I decided to meet up and head to the Santa Monica stairs.

This would be the first time I would run these stairs. Since I didn't know what to expect, I decided to read reviews. I'm not sure if that was a good idea because some of the reviews made me question my decision to go along with my friend. I thought maybe we would run 4-6 sets of stairs, seeing as though most reviewers had said after 4-6 sets they couldn't walk for a couple days after. Well 4-6  quickly turned into 10 when my friend said, "I'm thinking we can do 10 stairs!"

Sure, why not. I mean, I did just run a half marathon, so 10 stairs can't be that bad. I began to mentally prepare myself for what was ahead. I couldn't have imagined what was to come.

After the first set of stairs, I knew it was going to be a challenge to finish 10 of them. What I didn't anticipate was my friend saying we should do 13.

You'd think 3 sets more would be nothing...let me tell on set 10, three more is almost unbearable. But we did it, and now, now I am setting a goal to accomplish 20.

I have to say, running the half marathon was in some respects easier than the stairs. And with the way my new exercise adventures are going, I'm curious with what is in store for me next : )

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