Sunday, March 31, 2013


Oh where to begin, where to begin. Friday night I went out to meet up with some friends at a local bar. A girlfriend of mine, P., had a friend in town for the weekend. She had told me we would get along since we were so much alike.

Sometimes you wonder whether or not that's actually going to happen. For me, I think that's because I am so different depending on which group of people I am with. I like to say I am either an audience member observing, or I'm the actor on stage performing. It just depends.

So I wasn't entirely sure whether or not this guy would actually be as much like me as she thought.

When I first met him, I really couldn't help but smile. He gives off this energy that's confident yet not cocky. He's just really sure of who he is as a person, and it's attractive.

The only thing was, I thought he was interested in someone else. Not that that bothered me, because I always figure what is meant to happen will happen. It just meant I wasn't going to get in the way.

And instead, I would dance as much as possible that night,  letting go of all my worries and troubles of the day. And in case I haven't mentioned before, I love to dance. Love love love to dance.

I danced for a while, went back to the group, talked a little more to the guy that was in town, and then tried to get everyone to dance with me. I had been told this new guy loved to dance, about just as much as me. So if anything we would enjoy a good dance break together.

It was fun being out on the dance floor, and after a while the party sort of split up, people going their own ways.

At that point, I was ready to go home...seeing as though it was well past my 10pm bedtime. But my friend P. convinced me to stay saying her friend was interested in me.

I never really believe it when someone says that, but it was worth it to stick around and see if maybe he truly was.

I found him, and we started talking and i couldn't help but be drawn to his character. He's so genuinely nice, that I again found myself smiling, a lot.

He left for a minute and my friend P. said she knew we would get along and the great thing about him, was that he was 28 and getting divorced too.

I couldn't believe it...he came back to the table and P. told him about my situation and how we were in the same boat.

I've never felt so relieved and comforted knowing there was someone else who would completely understand what I have been going through.

And thus began a whirlwind of a weekend in which I fell for this guy, whom I will refer to as Bear from this point forward.

Bear and I, we are very much alike. And now he's back home many miles away, but I'm hoping there will be more to this story...there is already so much more I haven't shared.

But I do believe he is in my life for a reason, whatever that reason may be I will find out.

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