Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Most Likely Me...

There's something about dancing that makes me so incredibly happy. My two sisters are unbelievable dancers.

Many years ago, I had taken a class with my older sister and I didn't have my contacts in. We were wearing identical outfits...yes even at 16 and 18. When I looked in the mirror I found myself in awe of how well I was dancing. And I began to dance harder than before. And every time I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I was amazed at how awesome I was...turns out I was looking at my sister.

I can only imagine what I looked like, but it taught me a great lesson...don't hold back. Especially when it comes to dancing. 

And so, whenever I feel stressed or anxious, I tend to bust out some moves. It really makes me slow down in life and enjoy the moment.

You'll often find me dancing at work...and not just a little jig here and there, but full out dancing.

You'll also most likely find me to be the first on a dance floor if there so happens to be one where I'm at.

I'm not the best dancer...not the worst. But I do enjoy it. So if you ever see some crazy girl dancing away to the beat of her own drum, it's most likely me.

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