When I saw these two videos, I knew I had to share with all of you what it was that brought tears to my eyes and appreciation to my life. I am only going to be able to post one video for the time being and the second video, well it has my name in it and since I am trying to protect (for the time being) my EH's identity, I won't be sharing that today.But I will share the story, later on in this blog and if you really want to see the video, I'm sure after reading this blog you'll be able to search for it.
I've mentioned that my mom was in the hospital a little over 4 years ago. And the video I'm sharing below is similar to her story in that she had to start all over like this young gentleman has had to. I find that when I open my eyes and realize I am not the only one going through something difficult, I'm able to sit back and not be so self involved. That isn't to say I don't do that every once in a while, because I do. But this story, and stories like my mom are a great reminder we aren't the only ones. So here is the video that touched me and has inspired me.
I want to make it clear. In no way do I want to diminish what you or I may be going through, because in our lives we are going through something life changing. But it does put it all into perspective that life is fragile...and instead of sitting around crying about my failed marriage, I'd rather spend these moments that I am given smiling and being happy.
That's not to say I don't have my moments of breaking down, but I'm not going to waste the next couple years of my life mourning something I have no control over. I am not going to look back years from now and think to myself I wasted all that time crying, being angry, bitter and upset.
Like I've mentioned in previous posts, I have made some amazing new friends. People who make me laugh, smile, challenge me, and all in all make me strive to be a better person. One of those friends, whom I will call R., has done all of that for me. He definitely has a good soul, and I am lucky to have met him during this time in my life.
When I went to San Diego, I drove with R. and during the drive he played a song, written and sung by his friend. I immediately loved the song as it resonated with me and everything I am going through, and more importantly it's in line with my philosophy of how I want to approach the situation I am in and life in general.
Yesterday I received a text from R. "Check your Facebook." So I got on my computer and logged on to my profile. R. had posted the following, "I know you really like this song so I had him do a lil something for you. Hope you like it : ) " Below was a video and in the video the artist of the song gave a shout out to me but he also wrote an additional verse to the song...
We vow to give our all
When we know we found the one
But even the greatest loves
Never workout just because
We need to learn to smile
When we feel like hope is gone
Cuz even the greyest clouds
Can make way for the sun
Some say another rainbow will find its way
Some day another rainbow will come and stay
Once you get through the rainfall
There's another rainbow
See it all through the grey clouds
There's another rainbow
Thank you Bo Napoleon. Thank you for writing a song that reminds me, reminds all of us, that through all of this rainfall, there will be another rainbow. And for all of you out there going through difficult times, check out Bo Napoleon's Another Rainbow on You Tube.
And thank you R. Thank you for one of the nicest things I have ever had done for me and for reminding me how amazing people can truly be. And even if it may not seem like a big thing to you R. it was a very important and special gift to me. One I will never forget.
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