Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Since I found out my EH was filing for divorce, I truly started to emotionally eat. Not that I loss complete self control, but by the time night came around I was over eating as a way to help with my anxiety.

If you asked anyone I know, they would tell you I look fine and that I shouldn't worry. But it isn't the amount of calories I am consuming that bothers me, as much as it is why I am doing it.

About two weeks ago I decided to slowly get back into a habit of not depending on food to provide me comfort. Whenever I attempt to change my lifestyle, I do it slowly so as not to be overwhelmed.

My first step was taking chicken out of my diet. I don't eat any other meats, so you would think this would be easy... it's not. I love chicken. But with all of the new studies coming out regarding carcinogens found in chicken, I decided it was time to take it out. In it's replacement I found an amazing product, Vega One and Vega Sport, to provide me with the protein I would need to help sustain my active lifestyle. Their products are all plant based and gluten free, which I have been for over a year.

As I looked further into their products, I came across a book written by a vegan triathlete. And his story and success has inspired me to head towards a vegan diet. He has teamed with Vega One and if you visit their website you can sign up for a 30 day challenge. He truly helps to transition you into a vegan lifestyle.

Now, Memorial Day, I cheated. I definitely had cheese, but the next morning when I woke up feeling bloated and sick, I realized that since I had already been limiting the amount of dairy prior to that day, my body had a weird reaction, which has prompted me to try to take it completely out of my diet.

Will I have set backs, most likely, will I eat cheese every once in a while....I'm going to have to say yes, but I am definitely going to work hard at making my diet primarily vegan. I'll let you know how it goes and in regards to my divorce, how my diet affects my emotional wellness during this process.

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day and that you all celebrated the heroes in your life. I know I did; from my side of the family and my EH's side of the family. I am thankful for their service and sacrifice as well as countless others.

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