Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Let this be known to all of those who are breaking up or divorcing their significant other. It is not necessary to be unkind, especially if you are the one leaving.
I try so hard to remain loving and supportive of my EH, and not because I have to but because I choose to. I have seen what bitterness and anger can do to someone. And how that can grow into a horrible monster over the years, destroying every relationship in sight. And I don't want that. So I choose to be loving and supportive and to look at our time together and be thankful.
But it is so hard sometimes to not want to scream out of frustration and anger towards my EH. When you are married, you share many financial responsibilities and when you separate or divorce that responsibility doesn't go away.
So, if any of you out there are leaving someone and they kindly text you, "Have you paid the car payment? I hope you have a splendid day!" and you don't respond and then you get a reminder text the next day , "Hey, just making sure everything was paid for the car. Hope you have a good day!" DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT ignore those texts and send one back a day later saying, "Do you know where my birth certificate is?' Which yes is important. But 1. I have not been living in the same space for over a month and 2. YOU STILL HAVE NOT RESPONDED TO MY TEXT ABOUT THE CAR PAYMENT AND NOW YOU WANT A RESPONSE TO YOURS?!?!?! And yes that is all caps because in my head I am screaming those words....of course, being me I responded kindly and truthfully. And I also artfully tact on my frustration with being disrespected over and over. After 26 years of friendship, I should at least be treated kindly. But I guess it's really not in him anymore. Because even after all of that all I got was "it's paid."
So I will continue to do unto others as I would like them do to me. And I recommend everyone start living their lives that way, especially my EH.
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