Monday, July 28, 2014


Bear and I don't get a lot of time together, but we make the most out of the time we do get to spend together.

That's why I am so excited for the week to come and for the weekend we just had.

I cashed in for some vacation days...first to be able to see the CrossFit Games with Bear and second to be able to go to his home town and see his family and go to a wedding.

It's exciting to spend this time with Bear and add to our list of ever growing memories. I can't think of anything I would rather do.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Glimpse Into The Future...

It's been almost a month since I've put up a post. Seems consistency is something I need to add to my list of things to work on.

It's not that life isn't worth talking about, but it seems that everything is going by so quickly that I hardly have time to slow down and appreciate the special moments.

Thankfully, I have time right now to do just that.

This last weekend, my 5 year-old niece, T, slept over. Her very first sleep over with Bear and myself. It was nothing short of perfection.

We had dinner and dessert. Put up a tent in the living room and watched movies. We had so much fun and when it was time to go to bed, Bear and I crawled into the tent with T and off to dreamland we went.

Of course T likes to move around in her sleep. Something that made me smile. Every time she would somehow find me and snuggle in closer. I loved every minute.

And in the morning Bear and T picked up breakfast and let me sleep in. Waking up to them talking gave me a glimpse into what our future could look like one day. And it was beautiful.