Sunday, July 26, 2015

On The Other Side...

I almost don't know where to begin.

I took down some posts that I wrote after Bear broke up with me.

Why? Because my words affected people he cares about. 

I don't know how I feel about it, because in all honesty when I write, it is a form of therapy for me. A way to get out what I am thinking and feeling in that moment. And I do it to showcase what many of us go through when we are heart broken.

The beautiful part about it is the progress you can see from post to post. The ups and downs and waves of emotions that one goes through. And through it all, how possible it is to choose happiness.

What I wrote 3 months ago about wanting Bear in my life, is in no way how I feel now. Wishing to be friends is no longer something I think about or care to have. And yet somehow those words were taken out of context, and affected those close to Bear.

So I took them down. And I don't know how I feel about it.

Maybe one day I'll post them again. (yes of course I saved them) But in the meantime I will keep writing about what life is like on the other side. A side filled with Disneyland days, concerts, seeing best friends become parents, dancing in the rain, road trips, etc.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th...

Happy 4th of July!

I love this day, because it's another day I get to spend time with my family, who happen to be some of the funniest and happiest people I know.

Take my mom and dad. The two of them exude nothing but happiness despite every obstacle thrown their way. Each hurdle is looked at as another adventure and together they know they are able to achieve anything they put their minds too. Whether it is fighting colds or for their lives, they do it together and with smiles on their faces. It's quite extraordinary.

The two of them, have always been my heroes. And being able to spend today with them, makes for another beautiful memory.